
We estimate that most real estate agents have about 75-90% of their database that have not had an engagement for more than 6 months. Chances are that in your case this number isn’t far off. With that in mind, what can you do to keep the conversation going with your disengaged contacts without adding more work to your day? What can you do to stop missing opportunities because you couldn’t or forgot to call your contacts?

Here’s where RiTA comes in handy. Agents who use RiTA are more likely to snap opportunities as they engage with contacts in a smarter, more efficient way. We share with you some automation techniques that they use to warm up their cold contacts and get more leads out of their databases.

1. How’s your property purchasing journey going?
In this buyer nurturing campaign, RiTA starts the conversation via SMS with your disengaged prospective buyers, politely asking them how they are going in their purchasing journey. Depending on the answer she gets, she either follows up with more buyer qualification questions (will it be a home to live in or an investment?) or an update of their new residential address. Either way, you have an opportunity to get a potential buyer or a prospective future vendor.

2. There’s a spike in demand at the moment, would you like an updated appraisal of your property?
In this property owner nurturing campaign, RiTA sends an SMS to property owners you haven’t engaged with in the last 3-6 months. She briefly explains the market situation and kindly offers an updated appraisal of their property. During the conversation, she asks the contact to confirm their email and residential address. As a result, you get an appraisal lead and updated contact details.

3. Happy property anniversary, would you like an updated appraisal of your property?
It’s always good to celebrate a milestone and in this property anniversary campaign, RiTA congratulates property owners and kindly offers an updated indication of the value of their property in today’s market.

4. A property owner nearby has just sold their property, would you like an updated appraisal of your property?
In this owner nurturing campaign, RiTA engages with your disengaged property owners who live nearby a property that has just been sold. The outcomes of this SMS conversation are appraisal leads for you and your team, cleaner data for future prospecting, and an indication of the best time to call the owners to re-build that relationship.

Check out this video of an automated SMS conversations:

All these conversations result in something valuable for your business: a lead, better data, or simply a brand re-introduction. Using RiTA to automate the first engagement with your cold contacts means you don’t have to lift a finger until they become leads. From there, you can either call them or get AiRESourcing to make calls on your behalf.